reflection/ hansha


Hello, I am Babylyn P. Rogelio. Studying Nihongo is difficult but interesting. Aside from studying simple word to constructing simple sentences, we also gathered information through Mapping,

Cultural Mapping is not an easy task, especially today that our world is in chaos due to COVID-19, still we gathered information about the different institutions that can be found in Buenavista, Mogpog and Santa Cruz.

Last March 14, 2020 we went to the town of Buenavista despite the situation that Santa Cruz is already lockdown, but one of the medical Staff of Buenavista warn us that there are few persons who lives in  town that are PUI’s and PUM’s.

After hearing the situation, we feel little scared and we decided to stop the mapping. We just took some pictures and immediately leave the town.

Then, after Buenavista we went to Mogpog on the same day, but my informant is not available he told us to come back tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, we don’t have much information gathered on that day.

The Second day of mapping was on March 15,2020, as early as possible I went to Mogpog to continue my cultural mapping.  I am  blessed and fortunate that I found the right person for my   mapping. Listening to my informant seems that you are listening to a professional historian, it is very clear and interesting to hear such story.

March 17, 2020 was my last mapping, since our country is already in Enhanced Community Quarantine and I need information about the Santa Cruz. I just choose the nearest school so that it is not difficult for me to get the information about the last institution.

I just want to thank all my informant for giving me such a valuable information. Hopefully atleast one of my cultural mapping  be appreciated and selected as one of the heritage in our province.

Thank you.



Kon’nichiwa. Watashi wa Beibirin P. Rojerio . Nihongo no benkyõ suru wa muzukashîdesuga, omoshiroidesu. Tanjun’ na tango o benkyõ suru dakedenaku,  kantan’ na bunshõ o sakusei suru  dakedenaku, mappingu o tsûjite jõhõ o shûshû shimashita.

Bunka-teki mappingu wa kantan’na sagyõde wa arimasen. Tokuni, COVID-19 ga gen’in de sekai ga konran  shite iru kyõ, Soredemo Buenabisuta, Mogupogu, Santakuruzu ni aru samazamana kikan ni kansuru jõhõ o shûshû shimashita.

Sakunen 2020-Nen 3tsuki 14-nichi, santakurusu wa sudeni fusa sa rete iru  nimokakawarazu, watashitachiha buenabisuta no machi ni ikimashita.  Shikashi , buenabisuta no iryõ sutaffu no 1-ri wa, PUIs to PUMdearu machi ni sunde iru hito wa hotondo inaito watashitachi ni keikoku shite imasu.

Jõkyõ o kiita nochi, watashitachi wa sukoshi kowaku  omoi oshi, mapping o yameru koto ni shimshita. Shashin o totte sugu ni machi o demashita.

Sonogo, Buenabisuta no ato, onaji Ni~tsu ni Magupogu ni ikimashitaga, watashi no jõhõ teikyõ – sha ga  inai tame, asunoasa ni modoru yõ ni iwa remasita. Zan’ nen’nagara, tõjitsu wa õku no jõhõ ga atsumarimsen.

Mappingu no 2-nichi-me wa, 2020-nen 3 tsuki 15-nichideshita , dekirudakehayaku, bunka no mappingu  o tsudzukeru tame  ni Mogpog ni ikimashita. Jibun no mappingu ni tekishita jinbutsu o mitsuketa  koto wa kõundesu. Watashi  no jõhõ teikyõ – sha no hanashi o kiite iru to , anata wa senmon no rekishiya no hanashi  o kiite iru  yõndesu . So no yõna hanashi o kiku koto  wa hijõ ni meikakude kyõmibukaidesu.

Watashitachi no kuni wa sudeni kakuchõ komyuniti ken’eki ni ari, santakurusu ni tsuite no  jõhõ ga hitsuyõnanode , 2020-Nen 3 tsuki 17-nichi wa watashi no saigo no mappingudeshita.   Ichiban chikai gakkõ o  erabu dakenanode, saigo no kikan no jõhõ o nyûshu suru no wa muzukashiku arimasen .

Umaku ikeba, watashi  no bunka-teki  chizu no  sukunakutomo  1stsu ga hyõ sa re, watashitachi  no shu mappinu sa re, watashitachi no shû  no isan no 1tsu to shite eraba remashita.







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